To estimate the price of the 2021 Chevrolet Captiva 1.5L LS with 76250 km mileage, I primarily considered the offers accepted by sellers for similar cars. The closest match is a 2021 Chevrolet Captiva 1.5L I4 with 76714 km, which had an offer accepted at AED 43000 on 2024-08-19. Other relevant offers include a 2021 Captiva 1.5L TC i4 with 59000 km at AED 49000 on 2024-03-25 and a 2021 Captiva 1.5L I4 with 101300 km at AED 44000 on 2024-05-22. The listed prices for similar cars range from AED 58990 to AED 63000, but these are generally higher than actual selling prices. Considering the accepted offers and the condition of the car, I estimated the market price accordingly.