To estimate the price of the 2019 BMW X7 4.4L V8 50i with 33701 km mileage, I focused on the listed prices of similar cars. The closest match is a 2019 BMW X7 4.4L V8 50i with the same mileage listed for AED 252000. Other similar 2019 models with higher mileage (98000 km to 106000 km) are listed between AED 225000 and AED 250000. Given the lower mileage of the target car, it should be valued higher than these. The 2020 models with different engine variants (3.0L) and higher mileage (59500 km to 119000 km) are listed between AED 258400 and AED 329000, which suggests a higher price range for newer models. Considering the target car's lower mileage and the listed prices, I estimate the market price accordingly.