The car to be estimated is a 2016 BMW 740 Li I6 3.0L Twin Turbo with 62000 km mileage. There are no actual selling prices or offers accepted data available. The listed prices of similar cars range from AED 83000 to AED 132000. The most relevant listing is a 2016 BMW 740 LI I6 3.0L Turbo Charged with 100000 km listed for AED 83000. Given the lower mileage of the car to be estimated (62000 km), it should be valued higher than AED 83000. Other listings with higher mileage (around 97000 km) are priced between AED 129120 and AED 132000. Considering the lower mileage and the condition of the car, a reasonable estimate would be slightly below the higher end of the listed prices, around AED 120000.