The car to be estimated is a 2019 Audi Q7 45TFSI Quattro 45 TFSI (Base+). The most relevant data point is the 2018 Audi Q7 3.0L V6 with the same variant (45 TFSI Base+) sold for 93000 AED on 2024-01-06. This car is one year older and has higher mileage, so the 2019 model should be valued higher. The 2019 Audi Q7 3.0L V6 55 TFSI (Top++) sold for 125000 AED on 2024-07-19, but it is a higher variant. The 2018 Audi Q7 40 TFSI Design (Top) sold for 129000 AED on 2023-10-23, but it is a different variant. Considering the 2018 45 TFSI Base+ sold for 93000 AED, and adjusting for the newer model year and similar mileage, the estimated price for the 2019 model is slightly higher.