The car to be estimated is a 2015 Audi Q7 3.0L 40 TFSI (Base) with 169310 km mileage. The most relevant data point is the selling price of a similar 2015 Audi Q7 3.0L TC V6, 40 TFSI (Base) with 171000 km mileage, sold for AED 36000 on 2023-10-22. This car is very similar in variant and condition, making it a strong reference point. Another relevant data point is an offer accepted for a 2015 Audi Q7 3.0L V6, 40 TFSI (Base) with 197520 km mileage, for AED 35000 on 2024-05-27. Given the slightly lower mileage of the car to be estimated, its value should be slightly higher than AED 35000 but close to AED 36000. Considering these factors, the estimated market price is determined.