The car to be estimated is a 2021 Toyota Yaris 1.5L E S (CVT) (Base) with average condition and 39828 km mileage. The closest selling price data is for a 2021 Toyota Yaris SE 1.5L with average condition and higher mileage (65700 km), sold for AED 40000 in March 2024. Another similar car, a 2021 Toyota Yaris 1.5L4 with good condition and higher mileage (68531 km), sold for AED 41000 in June 2024. The listed price for a similar 2021 Toyota Yaris 1.5L E S (CVT) (Base) with slightly higher mileage (40457 km) is AED 52900, but listed prices are generally higher than selling prices. Considering the selling prices of similar cars and the listed price, the estimated market price for the car in question is likely slightly lower than the selling prices of the SE variant due to its base trim and average condition.