The car to be estimated is a 2023 Toyota FJ Cruiser 4.0L GXR RB Standard with 35047 km mileage. The most relevant data points are the dealer sold prices for the same variant. The prices range from AED 108535.65 to AED 142799.15, with most sales around AED 141000 to AED 142800. The car with the closest mileage to the target (39385 km) sold for AED 141099.15 on 2024-07-24. Considering the target car's mileage of 35047 km, which is slightly lower, and the average condition, the estimated price should be slightly below the higher end of the range. The accepted offer for a similar variant at AED 150000 is higher than the dealer prices, indicating that the dealer prices are more reliable. Therefore, the estimated market price is set at AED 140000.