The car to be estimated is a 2020 Nissan Sunny 1.6L SL (Top) with 73100 km mileage. The most relevant data points are the selling prices of similar cars. A 2020 Nissan Sunny 1.5L S (Base) with 83500 km sold for AED 25500, and another with 63000 km sold for AED 32000. A 2020 Nissan Sunny SV (Mid) with 122000 km sold for AED 27800. Offers accepted include AED 38000 for a 1.6L S (Base) with 71750 km. Dealer sales for 1.5L SV variants range from AED 33991.5 to AED 37391.5. The SL variant is higher than SV and S, so it should be priced higher than these sales. Considering the top trim and good condition, the price should be higher than the highest dealer sale of AED 37391.5 but lower than the accepted offer of AED 38000 for a base variant. Thus, the estimated price is slightly above the highest dealer sale price.