The car to be estimated is a 2022 Mitsubishi Attrage GLX I3 1.2L GLX LL (Mid) with 45700 km mileage. The most relevant data point is the offer accepted for a similar GLX LL (Mid) variant with 48000 km mileage at AED 37000 on 2024-08-03. This is very close in terms of variant and mileage. Selling prices for the standard variant range from AED 34000 to AED 39000, with the most recent sale at AED 34000 for a car with 43300 km. The GLX variant sold by dealers for AED 38241.5 had lower mileage (36006 and 41095 km). Considering the GLX LL (Mid) variant is slightly higher than the standard, and the mileage is similar to the accepted offer, the estimated price is slightly above the accepted offer for the GLX LL (Mid) variant.