To estimate the price of the 2013 Mercedes A250 2.0 I4 TC Standard with 246788 km mileage, I analyzed the listed prices of similar cars. The closest match is a 2013 Mercedes A250 with the same mileage listed for AED 30000. Other 2014 models with lower mileage (around 200000 km) are listed between AED 29000 and AED 42500. Given the higher mileage and average condition of the target car, I adjusted the price downwards from the lower end of the 2014 models. The 2013 models with lower mileage (around 130000-172000 km) are listed between AED 37500 and AED 46000, which also supports a lower estimate for the higher mileage target car. Considering these factors, I estimated the market price accordingly.