To estimate the price of the 2018 Infiniti Q70 V6 3.7L Luxury 3.6L (Mid) with 257,000 km mileage, I analyzed the listed prices of similar cars. The closest match is the 2017 Infiniti Q70 3.7L V6 Luxury 3.6L (Mid) with 166,000 km listed for AED 49,000. Considering the higher mileage of the target car, its value should be lower. The 2019 model with similar specs and lower mileage (52,600 km) was listed for AED 90,000 but delisted, indicating a potential overpricing. The 2018 model with a different variant and lower mileage (69,069 km) was listed for AED 84,990. Given the target car's higher mileage and average condition, I estimate its market price to be significantly lower than these listings, around AED 40,000.