The car to be estimated is a 2019 BMW 330i with 171500 km mileage. The most relevant selling price is for a 2021 BMW 330 2.0TC I4 with 54193 km sold for AED 152000 in July 2024. Considering the age and mileage difference, the 2019 model should be significantly lower. Among listed prices, a 2019 BMW 330i with 181000 km is listed for AED 85000, and another with 124695 km is listed for AED 90000. A 2019 model with 107600 km was listed for AED 99000 but delisted, indicating a possible sale or price adjustment. Given the high mileage of the target car, the price should be lower than these listings. Considering depreciation and market trends, the estimated price is adjusted to reflect the higher mileage and age.