To estimate the price of the 2019 Lexus RX350 3.5L V6 Premier (Base) with 46000 miles, I considered the listed prices of similar cars. The closest match is a 2019 Lexus RX350 3.5L V6 Premier (Base) with the same mileage listed for AED 105000. Another similar car, a 2019 Lexus RX350 Premier (Base) with 86000 miles, is listed for AED 119750. Given the higher mileage, this car's price is likely inflated compared to the target car. A 2019 Lexus RX350 3.5L V6 Platinum (Mid+) with 39600 miles is listed for AED 133000, but this is a higher trim. Considering these data points, the most relevant price is AED 105000. Adjusting slightly for market conditions and average condition, the estimated price is slightly lower.