The car to be estimated is a 2023 Toyota RAV 4 2.5L EX LE AWD in average condition. The most relevant data point is the dealer sale of a 2023 Toyota RAV 4 2.5L EX with 33196 km for AED 93491.5 on 2024-03-06. This car is similar in variant but has lower mileage and was sold earlier in the year. The selling prices of similar cars include a 2023 RAV 4 2WD EX (Base) with 10095 km sold for AED 89000 and another with 10600 km sold for AED 85000, both in good condition. The AWD GXR (Mid) variant sold for AED 118000 with 16200 km. The offers accepted for similar cars include AED 88500 for a 2WD EX (Base) and AED 115000 for an AWD GXR (Mid). Considering the car's average condition and higher mileage, the estimated price should be lower than the dealer sale price of AED 93491.5 and closer to the lower end of the selling prices for similar base models.