The car to be estimated is a 2019 Toyota Prado 4.0L GXR TX (Diesel) in average condition with 78467 km mileage. The closest data point is the offer accepted for a 2019 Toyota Prado GXR 4.0L V6 with 87000 km mileage at AED 138000 on 2023-10-28. This car is a GXR variant, similar to the target car, but with a higher mileage. The selling prices of similar cars include a 2019 Toyota Prado 4.0L VXR with 85000 km sold for AED 141000 on 2024-07-30, and a 2019 Toyota Prado 4.0L VXR with 49400 km sold for AED 137000 on 2023-09-05. These VXR variants are higher trims than the GXR TX, suggesting a lower price for the target car. Dealer sales include a 2019 Toyota Prado 4.0L GXR with 100100 km sold for AED 129191.5 on 2023-12-06, which is a closer match in terms of trim and condition. Considering these data points, the estimated market price for the target car is slightly lower than the GXR and VXR variants due to its average condition and diesel engine.