The car to be estimated is a 2018 Toyota Prado 2.7L VXR TX (Diesel) (Base) with average condition and 107824 km mileage. The most relevant data points are the selling prices of similar 2.7L models. A 2016 Toyota Prado 2.7L i4 with 197000 km sold for 72000 AED on 2024-03-12, and another 2016 model with the same engine and mileage sold for 62000 AED on 2024-08-13. A 2016 VXR I4 2.7L with 206250 km sold for 75000 AED on 2024-07-30. These prices suggest a range for older models with higher mileage. The listed price for a 2018 2.7L VXR TX (Diesel) (Base) with 99020 km is 139900 AED, but listed prices are typically higher than selling prices. Considering the depreciation and the average condition, the estimated market price for the 2018 model should be lower than the listed price but higher than the older models' selling prices.