The car to be estimated is a 2023 Toyota Land Cruiser V6 4.0L 3.5T EXR (Top) with 28000 km mileage. The closest selling price data is for a 2023 Toyota Land Cruiser V6 4.0L 4WD EXR (Base) sold for AED 163,000 on 2024-10-14 with 4300 km. The estimated car is a higher trim (Top) and has more mileage. The new car price for the 2025 3.5T EXR is AED 307,900, while the 4.0L EXR is AED 238,900. The 3.5T EXR is a higher trim than the 4.0L EXR, indicating a higher value. The accepted offer for a 2023 3.5T VXR (Top++) was AED 330,000, which is a higher trim than the EXR. Considering the higher trim and mileage, the estimated price should be higher than the sold 4.0L EXR but lower than the accepted offer for the VXR. Adjusting for depreciation and trim differences, the estimated price is calculated.