The car to be estimated is a 2021 Toyota Corolla 1.6L XLI HEV (Base) with 82334 km mileage. The most relevant data points are the selling prices of similar cars. Two cars with the same variant, XLI HEV (Base), were sold recently: one with 97500 km for AED 43000 on 2024-10-16, and another with 73000 km for AED 49000 on 2024-10-18. The car with 97500 km has a higher mileage than the target car and sold for AED 43000, while the car with 73000 km has lower mileage and sold for AED 49000. The target car's mileage is between these two, so its price should be between AED 43000 and AED 49000. Considering the average condition and mileage, a reasonable estimate is slightly below the midpoint of these two prices.