The most relevant data point is the selling price of a similar 2014 Porsche Cayenne GTS 4.8L V8 with 151900 km, which sold for AED 72099 on 2023-12-20. This car is very similar in terms of variant, engine, and condition. Offers accepted by sellers for similar cars range from AED 62500 to AED 72000, with the most recent offer being AED 63000 on 2024-03-03. Listed prices for similar cars range from AED 64000 to AED 75000, with the most recent listing being AED 69500 for a car with higher mileage. Considering the selling price, accepted offers, and listed prices, the estimated market price for the car in question is likely closer to the lower end of the accepted offers and listed prices, given its average condition and mileage.