The car to be estimated is a 2020 Nissan Sunny 1.5L SV S (Base) with 67871 km mileage. The most relevant data points are the selling prices of similar cars. A 2020 Nissan Sunny 1.5L I4 S (Base) with 83500 km sold for AED 25500 on 2023-10-21, and another with 63000 km sold for AED 32000 on 2023-07-03. The car with 60000 km, but a higher SL (Top) variant, sold for AED 31500 on 2023-05-20. Offers accepted for similar cars include AED 27000 for a 1.5L I4 S (Base) with 83500 km on 2023-10-14, and AED 28000 for a 1.5L SV (Mid) with 74500 km on 2024-03-23. Dealer sales for the 1.5L SV variant range from AED 33991.5 to AED 37391.5, with mileages from 45028 to 93872 km. Considering the car's mileage and condition, the selling prices of similar cars, and the dealer sales, the estimated market price is adjusted to reflect the car's specific variant and condition.