The car to be estimated is a 2020 Nissan Kicks 1.6L SL (Top) with 22518 km mileage. The most relevant data point is a similar car with the same variant and condition sold for AED 54000 on 2023-12-16. This car had slightly higher mileage (25100 km) but was sold almost a year ago, so the price might have decreased slightly. Another similar car with the same variant and slightly higher mileage (29500 km) was listed for AED 50000 and delisted in May 2024, indicating it might have sold around that price. Considering the car's lower mileage and the time since the last sale, the estimated price should be slightly lower than AED 54000 but higher than AED 50000. Therefore, I estimate the market price to be around AED 52000.