The car to be estimated is a 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited V8 5.7L with 252790 km mileage. The most relevant data point is a 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee 5.7L HEMI V8, Overland variant, sold for 24000 AED on 2023-06-18 with 188100 km. Another 2012 Overland V8 with 128422 km sold for 31000 AED on 2024-06-20. The 2013 Limited V8 (Mid+) with 158200 km sold for 34500 AED on 2024-03-22. Considering the higher mileage and average condition of the target car, its value should be lower than these. A 2012 Limited V8 listed for 19000 AED with 287000 km was delisted, indicating a possible market value around that range. Adjusting for mileage and condition, the estimated price is slightly above the delisted price but below the lower selling prices of similar cars.