The car to be estimated is a 2021 Hyundai Accent 1.4L GL (Base) with average condition and 91425 km mileage. The most relevant data points are the dealer sold prices for similar 1.6L GL models: AED 42495.75 (97441 km), AED 45041.5 (74509 km), and AED 44191.5 (65504 km). These cars have slightly different engine sizes and conditions, but they provide a baseline. The selling price of a 1.6L GLS (Top) variant in good condition was AED 40000, but it was sold earlier in 2024, so its relevance is limited. The listed prices for 1.4L GL (Base) variants range from AED 44500 to AED 48000, but these are asking prices, not selling prices. Considering the average condition and higher mileage of the target car, a reasonable estimate would be slightly below the lower end of the dealer sold prices and the lower end of the listed prices.