The car to be estimated is a 2015 Honda Accord I4 2.4L LX-B with high mileage and in bad condition. The most relevant data point is a 2015 Honda Accord LX-A with 134,000 km sold for AED 28,750 in average condition. Given the bad condition and higher mileage of the target car, its value should be lower. A 2016 LX-B with 146,500 km sold for AED 29,000, but the target car is older and in worse condition. A 2014 LX-A with 222,000 km sold for AED 27,500 in average condition, suggesting a lower price for the target car. The listed price for a similar 2015 LX-B with 255,500 km is AED 28,000, but listed prices are typically higher than selling prices. Considering these factors, the estimated market price is adjusted downwards due to the bad condition and high mileage.