The car to be estimated is a 2025 Chevrolet Groove LT I4 1.5L with 11400 km. The most relevant data points are the selling prices of similar 2023 Chevrolet Groove LT I4 1.5L cars, which sold for AED 45000 and AED 44500 in August and September 2024, respectively. These cars have higher mileage (35300 km) compared to the car in question. Considering the lower mileage of the 2025 model, it should be valued higher. The listed prices for similar 2023 models with similar mileage range from AED 53990 to AED 59990, but these are asking prices and typically higher than selling prices. Given the selling prices and the lower mileage of the 2025 model, an estimated market price slightly above the highest selling price of AED 45000 is reasonable, accounting for the newer model year and lower mileage.