The car to be estimated is a 2023 Chevrolet Groove 1.5L PREMIER LT (Base) in average condition with 34198 km. The closest data points are the selling prices of similar 2023 Chevrolet Groove LT I4 1.5L cars in good condition, sold for AED 44500 and AED 45000 in September and August 2024. These cars have similar mileage and are of the same variant, but in better condition. Considering the average condition of the target car, a slight reduction in price is reasonable. Additionally, dealer sales of similar 1.5L LT variants with similar mileage range from AED 45045.75 to AED 47591.5, with the most recent sale in September 2024 at AED 45045.75. Given the average condition of the target car, a price slightly below these figures is appropriate. The accepted offer for a Premier variant was AED 52500 in March 2024, but this was for a top variant with much lower mileage. Considering all these factors, the estimated market price for the target car is adjusted to reflect its average condition and mileage.