The car to be estimated is a 2016 BMW X5 X Drive 35i with 165300 km mileage. The most relevant data point is a similar car sold for AED 90000 in February 2024 with 156500 km. This car is very similar in variant and condition. Offers accepted by sellers include AED 81000 for a car with 144000 km in November 2023, AED 67000 for a car with 146500 km in January 2024, and AED 80000 for a car with 117290 km in April 2024. These offers suggest a range of AED 67000 to AED 81000. Listed prices include AED 60000 for a car with 168000 km and AED 65500 for a car with 160300 km, both delisted in August 2024, indicating lower market interest. Considering the selling price, accepted offers, and listed prices, the estimated market price is adjusted slightly below the selling price due to higher mileage and market trends.