The car to be estimated is a 2016 BMW 428 M Kit with a 2.0L turbocharged engine and 89900 km mileage. The most relevant selling price is a 2016 BMW 428 M Kit with 134800 km sold for AED 62000 on 2023-08-26. This car has higher mileage, so the estimated price should be higher. An offer was accepted for a 2016 BMW 428 M Kit convertible with 122000 km for AED 71000 on 2024-01-04, which suggests a higher value for lower mileage. Listed prices for similar 2016 models range from AED 41000 to AED 52000, but these have much higher mileage. Considering the lower mileage of the target car, a reasonable estimate is slightly above the selling price of the higher mileage car but below the accepted offer for the convertible.