To estimate the price of the 2023 MG 5 1.5L STANDARD Comfort (Mid) in average condition, I first considered the selling prices of similar cars. The closest match is the 2023 MG 5 1.5L i4 with average condition and similar mileage, sold for AED 29000 on 8 Feb 2024. This car is a base variant, which typically sells for less than the mid variant. Another relevant data point is the 2023 MG 5 1.5L i4 Standard variant sold for AED 36000 on 18 Feb 2024, but it had lower mileage and potentially better condition. The 2023 MG 5 1.5L i4 Luxury variant sold for AED 49500 on 14 May 2024, but it is a top variant and in good condition, which is not directly comparable. Considering the accepted offers, the 2023 MG 5 1.5L I4 Luxury had an offer of AED 44000 on 27 Apr 2024, which is lower than its selling price, indicating negotiation room. The base variant had an offer of AED 37000 on 3 Jul 2024, which is higher than the AED 29000 selling price, suggesting the market might have fluctuated. Given these data points, the mid variant in average condition should be priced slightly above the base variant's selling price of AED 29000, but below the standard variant's selling price of AED 36000, considering its average condition and higher mileage.