To estimate the price of the 2023 Jeep Wrangler 3.6L Sport, I focused on the selling prices of similar cars as they provide the most accurate market value. The car in question has a mileage of 20179 km. I found several dealer-sold prices for the same model and trim: AED 161415 for a car with 43 km, AED 155465 for a car with 2880 km, AED 152915 for a car with 17598 km, AED 157165 for a car with 44 km, AED 157165 for a car with 20653 km, and AED 161415 for a car with 7710 km. The most relevant comparison is the car sold for AED 157165 with a mileage of 20653 km, which is closest to the target car's mileage of 20179 km. Considering the condition is average, I slightly adjusted the price downwards from this reference point.