The car to be estimated is a 2014 Ford Taurus SEL V6 3.5L with 280300 km mileage. We have a 2014 Ford Taurus SEL with 169940 km listed for AED 26500. Given the higher mileage of the car to be estimated, we expect a lower price. A 2012 Ford Taurus Limited with 193000 km is listed for AED 12000, indicating older models with high mileage are valued lower. A 2016 SEL with 100000 km is listed for AED 45000, showing newer models with lower mileage are valued higher. Considering the 2014 SEL's listing price and adjusting for the higher mileage, the estimated market price is significantly lower than AED 26500, closer to the 2012 model's price but slightly higher due to being a newer model.