The car to be estimated is a 2016 Ford Explorer V6 3.5L AWD Limited (LTD) with 212100 km mileage. The closest match in the data is a listed price for a similar Limited variant with 217000 km at AED 57000, but this is a classified listing and likely higher than actual selling prices. For selling prices, the closest variants are the XLT (Mid) and SE (Base). The XLT (Mid) with average condition and mileage around 173400-184000 km sold for AED 34500 to AED 39500. The SE (Base) with 165900 km sold for AED 35500. The Limited variant is higher than XLT and SE, so it should be priced higher than these selling prices. Considering the higher trim and mileage, a reasonable estimate would be slightly above the XLT selling prices but below the classified listing price.