The car to be estimated is a 2015 Mercedes E63 AMG S 4MATIC+ Standard with 149,000 miles. We have a selling price for a 2014 Mercedes E63 AMG with 33,000 miles sold for AED 131,750 on 2024-09-02. This car is a year older and has significantly lower mileage. The listed price for a similar 2014 model with the same mileage is AED 155,000. Given the high mileage of the target car, we expect a significant depreciation. The 2014 model sold for AED 131,750, and considering the target car is a year newer but with much higher mileage, we estimate a lower price. The high mileage and average condition suggest a further reduction. We estimate the market price to be significantly lower than the 2014 sold price due to these factors.