The car to be estimated is a 2020 BMW X5 xDrive 50i (Top) with a 3.0L V6 engine. The most relevant data point is the 2019 BMW X5 xDrive 50i (Top) with a 4.4L V8 engine, sold for 210,000 AED on 2024-07-09. This car is similar in variant and condition, but one year older. Considering the typical depreciation of 10% per year, the 2020 model should be valued higher. The 2020 BMW X5 M-Kit 40i X-Drive sold for 220,000 AED on 2023-05-06, but it has a different variant and higher mileage. The 2019 model's selling price is more relevant due to the same variant. Adjusting for the one-year difference and the average condition, the estimated price is slightly higher than 210,000 AED.