To estimate the price of the 2018 BMW 318 i3 1.5L Turbocharged Modern (Top) with 123167 km mileage, I first considered the selling prices of similar cars. The most relevant data point is the 2018 BMW 318 1.5L TC i3 with 60000 km sold for 71000 AED on 2024-03-29, as it has a similar engine and condition. Another relevant point is the 2018 BMW 318 1.5L Twin Turbo I3 with 75000 km sold for 54500 AED on 2024-06-30. The car in question has higher mileage and is in average condition, which suggests a lower price. The accepted offer of 60000 AED for a similar car with 87500 km on 2024-04-07 also provides a reference. Considering these factors, the estimated price is adjusted downwards due to higher mileage and average condition.