The car to be estimated is a 2021 Toyota Land Cruiser 4.0L EXR 5.7L VXR GT with average condition and 62073 km mileage. The most relevant data points are the selling prices of similar cars. A 2021 Land Cruiser 4.0L EXR with similar mileage was sold by a dealer for AED 174245.75 on 2024-02-15. Another similar 4.0L EXR was sold for AED 174245.75 on 2024-01-20. These are the closest matches in terms of variant and condition. The accepted offer for a 4.0L GXR (Base+) was AED 180000 on 2024-01-26, but this is a different variant. Considering the selling prices of the 4.0L EXR variants, the estimated market price for the car in question is around AED 174000.