To estimate the price of the 2020 Nissan Sentra I4 1.6L SV (Mid) with 61784 km mileage, I analyzed the selling prices of similar cars. The closest matches are the 2020 Nissan Sentra 1.6L S models. The prices for these models range from AED 36545.75 to AED 45041.5. The most recent sale on 2024-06-11 for a 1.6L S with higher mileage (91511 km) was AED 39941.5. Considering the target car has lower mileage and is a higher trim (SV), it should be valued slightly higher. The average price of similar 1.6L S models with mileage close to the target car is around AED 42491.5. Given the better condition and lower mileage, I estimate the price to be slightly above this average.