To estimate the price of the 2021 Chevrolet Captiva LT AWD (Mid) with 113900 km mileage, I focused on the offers accepted by sellers and listed prices. The most relevant data point is an offer accepted for a similar car with 113500 km mileage at AED 40000 on 2024-10-03. This is the same variant and very close in mileage, making it a strong indicator of market value. Additionally, a similar car was listed for AED 40000 and delisted on 2024-09-22, suggesting it might have sold around that price. Other listings for the same variant with lower mileage (104000 km) are significantly higher, around AED 56000 to AED 58000, but these are likely aspirational prices. Considering the accepted offer and the delisted price, AED 40000 is a reasonable estimate for the car's market value.