The car to be estimated is a 2020 Mitsubishi ASX 2.0L MIDLINE GLX (2WD) with 74120 km mileage. The closest match in the data is the 2020 Mitsubishi ASX 2.0L MIDLINE, which sold for AED 59491.5 with 45957 km on 2023-10-06, AED 56941.5 with 70258 km on 2023-11-08, and AED 53541.5 with 63317 km on 2023-12-07. The car with the highest mileage, 70258 km, sold for AED 56941.5. The car with 63317 km sold for AED 53541.5. The car with 45957 km sold for AED 59491.5. The target car has 74120 km, which is higher than these, suggesting a lower price. The accepted offer for a Top variant with 104000 km was AED 45500, indicating a lower price for higher mileage and a different variant. Considering these factors, the estimated price is slightly lower than the lowest MIDLINE sale price due to higher mileage.