The car to be estimated is a 2021 Ford Bronco 2.7L Wild Track Big Bend 2-Door (Base) with average condition and 59001 km mileage. The closest selling price is for a 2021 Ford Bronco 2.3L i4 TC Big Bend 2-Door (Base) with 26300 km mileage, sold for AED 153000 on 2024-05-11. Considering the engine size difference, the 2.7L should be valued higher. Another relevant data point is a dealer-sold 2021 Ford Bronco 2.7L WildTrak with 32924 km for AED 186991.5 on 2024-03-18. The mileage of the car to be estimated is higher, suggesting a lower price. The listed price for a similar 2.7L WildTrack Big Bend 2-Door with 61615 km is AED 198998, but listed prices are typically higher than selling prices. Considering these factors, the estimated market price is adjusted downwards from the dealer-sold price due to higher mileage and average condition.