The car to be estimated is a 2012 Dodge Durango V6 3.6L (Base) with 217585 km mileage. The most relevant selling price is a 2014 Dodge Durango 3.6 V6 (Base) with 267083 km sold for 28500 AED in July 2023. Considering the 2012 model is older and has higher mileage, a depreciation adjustment is necessary. Another 2012 Durango 5.7L V8 with 137000 km sold for 20049 AED in June 2024, but it's a different variant. Listed prices for 2012 models show a 3.6L V6 with 133700 km listed for 28000 AED, and a 5.7L V8 with 285000 km listed for 19500 AED. Given the higher mileage and age, the estimated price should be lower than the 2014 model's selling price and closer to the lower end of the listed prices for 2012 models.