The car to be estimated is a 2023 Chevrolet Groove 1.5L PREMIER LT with average condition and 48258 km mileage. The most relevant data points are the selling prices of similar cars. Two similar 2023 Chevrolet Groove LT I4 1.5L cars with good condition and lower mileage (35300 km) sold for AED 45000 and AED 44500 in August and September 2024. These are LT variants, which are typically lower than the Premier variant. Dealer sales show a 2023 Chevrolet Groove 1.5L PREMIER with 57084 km sold for AED 54391.5 in November 2023, and another with 35958 km sold for AED 52695.75 in February 2024. A Premier variant with 32600 km sold for AED 50141.5 in June 2024. Considering the car's higher mileage and average condition, the price should be adjusted downwards from these Premier sales. The accepted offer for a Premier variant with only 5200 km was AED 52500 in March 2024, indicating a higher value for low mileage. Given these factors, the estimated price for the car in question is adjusted to reflect its higher mileage and average condition compared to the sold Premier variants.