To estimate the price of the 2014 Mercedes GLK350 V6 3.5L AWD Standard with 237850 km mileage, I considered the listed prices of similar cars. The 2014 Mercedes GLK350 3.5L V6 with 167500 km is listed for AED 61000. The 2015 Mercedes GLK350 2.2L V6 with 150000 km is listed for AED 42500. Given the higher mileage of the target car (237850 km) compared to these listings, I adjusted the price downwards. The 2014 model with lower mileage is listed at AED 61000, and the 2015 model with slightly different engine size and lower mileage is listed at AED 42500. Considering the significant mileage difference, I estimated a lower price for the target car.