The car to be estimated is a 2023 Toyota RAV 4 2.5L EX LE AWD in average condition with 48177 km. The closest selling price data is for a 2023 RAV 4 2.5L 2WD EX (Base) in good condition, sold for AED 85000 and AED 89000, with much lower mileage (10600 km and 10095 km). Another similar car, a 2023 RAV 4 AWD GXR (Mid) with 16200 km, sold for AED 118000. The car sold by a dealer for AED 93491.5 had 33196 km and was in good condition. Considering the higher mileage and average condition of the target car, a depreciation adjustment is necessary. The accepted offer for a similar AWD GXR (Mid) variant was AED 115000, but with lower mileage and better condition. Factoring in the condition and mileage differences, the estimated market price is adjusted downward from these figures.