The car in question is a 2024 Geely Emgrand 1.5L GS with a mileage of 32341 km. We have several data points from dealer sales of similar cars. The most relevant data points are the sales of 2024 Geely Emgrand 1.5L GS models with similar mileage. For instance, a car with 32630 km was sold for AED 41641.5 on 2024-07-09, and another with 29877 km was sold for AED 41641.5 on 2024-10-10. The most recent sale of a similar car with 22194 km was for AED 40795.75 on 2024-11-04. Given the average condition of the car in question and its mileage, which is slightly higher than some of the recent sales, the estimated market price should be slightly lower than the average of these sales. Therefore, I estimate the price to be slightly below AED 41641.5, considering the condition and mileage.