The car to be estimated is a 2021 Toyota RAV 4 2.5L Adventure LE AWD with average condition and 109580 km mileage. The closest match in the selling prices is the 2021 RAV 4 2.5L Adventure AWD VXR (Top) sold for 114500 AED in June 2024, but it has lower mileage (41600 km) and is a higher trim. Considering the higher mileage and lower trim of the target car, its value should be lower. Another relevant data point is the dealer-sold 2021 RAV 4 2.5L VXR HEV with similar mileage (109349 km) sold for 102841.5 AED in October 2023. The target car is not a hybrid, which typically has a lower value than hybrids. The listed price of a similar 2021 RAV 4 2.5L VXR HEV with lower mileage (88427 km) is 124900 AED, but listed prices are usually higher than actual selling prices. Considering these factors, the estimated market price for the target car should be lower than the dealer-sold hybrid and the listed price, but also adjusted for its higher mileage and lower trim compared to the Adventure VXR sold for 114500 AED.