The car to be estimated is a 2020 Toyota Land Cruiser 5.7L VXR GT with 91579 km mileage. The closest data point is a listed price for the same variant at AED 214995. However, listed prices are generally higher than selling prices. The selling prices for the 4.6L GXR variant, which is lower than the 5.7L VXR GT, are around AED 220000 for cars with lower mileage and better condition. Offers accepted for the 4.6L GXR variant range from AED 185000 to AED 229000, with the highest offer being AED 229000 for a car with 44500 km. Considering the higher trim and engine size of the 5.7L VXR GT, it should be valued higher than the 4.6L GXR. Adjusting for the higher mileage and average condition, the estimated market price is slightly below the listed price but above the highest selling price of the 4.6L GXR variant.