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كيا سبورتاج Cars, Prices & More in Fujairah

There are currently 13 cars available for sale in Fujairah at CarSwitch. These used cars for sale in Fujairah are uploaded by dealers and individual sellers.

13 Used كيا سبورتاج Cars for Sale in UAE

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10% off
Fair Price
2017 Kia Sportage I4 2.0L in Dubai

كيا سبورتاج I4 2.0L

31,500 AED35,000 AED
2017 206,800 KM
GCC Auto loan available
Safe Switch
Fair Price
Top condition
2023 Kia Sportage Turbocharged I4 1.6L in Sharjah

كيا سبورتاج Turbocharged I4 1.6L

106,000 AED
2023 21,600 KM
GCC Auto loan available
Safe Switch
Fair Price
2020 Kia Sportage I4 2.4L in Dubai

كيا سبورتاج I4 2.4L

63,500 AED
2020 103,500 KM
GCC Auto loan available
Safe Switch
Fair Price
Top condition
2023 Kia Sportage turbocharged I4 1.6L in Sharjah

كيا سبورتاج turbocharged I4 1.6L

106,000 AED
2023 21,600 KM
GCC Auto loan available
Safe Switch
Fair Price
2015 Kia Sportage I4 2.0L in Dubai

كيا سبورتاج I4 2.0L

31,500 AED
2015 190,000 KM
GCC Auto loan available
Safe Switch
Fair Price
2020 Kia Sportage GDI I4 1.6L in Sharjah

كيا سبورتاج GDI I4 1.6L

67,000 AED
2020 67,000 KM
GCC Auto loan available
Safe Switch
Fair Price
2019 Kia Sportage GDI  I4 1.6L in Abu Dhabi

كيا سبورتاج GDI I4 1.6L

55,000 AED
2019 148,500 KM
GCC Auto loan available
Safe Switch
6% off
Fair Price
2019 Kia Sportage I4 1.6L in Dubai

كيا سبورتاج I4 1.6L

67,500 AED72,000 AED
2019 68,500 KM
GCC Auto loan available
Safe Switch
Fair Price
2014 Kia Sportage I4 2.0L in Dubai

كيا سبورتاج I4 2.0L

25,000 AED
2014 175,000 KM
GCC Specs
Safe Switch
Fair Price
2013 Kia Sportage I4 2.0L in Abu Dhabi

كيا سبورتاج I4 2.0L

22,500 AED
2013 161,500 KM
GCC Specs
Safe Switch
Good Price
2018 Kia Sportage LX I4 1.6L in Dubai

كيا سبورتاج LX I4 1.6L

43,500 AED
2018 127,400 KM
GCC Auto loan available
Safe Switch
Great Price
2007 Kia Sportage V6 2.7L in Fujairah

كيا سبورتاج V6 2.7L

4,000 AED
2007 450,000 KM
GCC Specs
Self Switch
2022 Kia Sportage 1.6L EX in Dubai

كيا سبورتاج 1.6L EX

82,990 AED
2022 67,144 KM
GCC Auto loan available

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24 results per page

Used كيا سبورتاج cars price list in UAE Based on advertising prices posted by sellers on CarSwitch

Used كيا سبورتاج Starting Price Maximum Price
كيا سبورتاج 2023 106,000 AED 106,000 AED
كيا سبورتاج 2022 82,990 AED 82,990 AED
كيا سبورتاج 2020 63,500 AED 67,000 AED
كيا سبورتاج 2019 55,000 AED 69,500 AED
كيا سبورتاج 2018 43,500 AED 43,500 AED
كيا سبورتاج 2017 31,500 AED 31,500 AED
كيا سبورتاج 2015 31,500 AED 31,500 AED
كيا سبورتاج 2014 25,000 AED 25,000 AED
كيا سبورتاج 2013 22,500 AED 22,500 AED
كيا سبورتاج 2007 4,000 AED 4,000 AED

كيا سبورتاج car prices in UAE - Free car valuation tool

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About Used Cars for Sale in UAE

كيا سبورتاج Cars for sale in UAE

There are currently 1 كيا سبورتاج cars available for sale in UAE at CarSwitch. These used كيا سبورتاج cars for sale in UAE are uploaded by dealers and individual sellers.

كيا سبورتاج Car prices in UAE

كيا سبورتاج car prices vary based on the model, variant and the condition of the car. Based on the current listings, كيا سبورتاج car prices in UAE starts from AED 4,000 and go up to AED 4,000

Average selling price of كيا سبورتاج Cars in UAE

The average selling price of كيا سبورتاج cars in UAE is AED 4,000. Looking to sell your كيا سبورتاج car instead at a good price? Let CarSwitch sell it for you.

Used private-owned كيا سبورتاج for sale in UAE

Total 1 pre owned كيا سبورتاج cars in UAE are uploaded for sale by individual sellers, starting from price AED 4,000 and goes upto AED 4,000

كيا سبورتاج Cars for sale in UAE by Body Types

Based on the listings, كيا سبورتاج cars are currently available for sale at CarSwitch in following body types, i.e SUV cars, over 1 cars are available for sale at CarSwitch.

كيا سبورتاج Cars for sale in UAE by Mileage

Lowest KMs Driven كيا سبورتاج Car ad = 450,000 KMs, and it is for sale at a price of AED 4,000 in UAE. Highest KMs Driven كيا سبورتاج Car ad = 450,000 KMs, and it is for sale at a price of AED 4,000 in UAE

Frequently Asked Questions

What does CarSwitch.com charge for buying a used car?

Nothing at all, it’s completely free! Every used car on the website is owned and sold by private sellers in the UAE, and though CarSwitch.com can connect you with partners for insurance and transfer of ownership, it does NOT charge buyers any fees.
All the used cars in UAE on CarSwitch.com are from private sellers, and so every car is located with its owner. The specific locations in UAE are specified on the website and if you like what you see on the site we can help you get an appointment with the seller to take the car for a spin.
All the used cars on CarSwitch.com are from private sellers who set their own prices, and may reduce them from time to time. If you have your heart set on a particular car then just set a price drop notification on the site and you will be automatically notified you when the seller lowers the price of your dream used car. You can even set a price limit there which we pass to the seller in case they would like to extend an offer . If you’re looking for some specific tips to how to best negotiate the price while buying a used car in the UAE, check our expert advice here
CarSwitch.com does not provide financing itself, but has partnered with several banks to offer bank financing to our buyers. We’ll certainly advise and guide you throughout the process, and for a nominal fee we can issue the valuation certificate banks will require. Learn the A-Z of Car financing from the CarSwitch experts.
The cheapest used car in UAE is AED {lowest_car_price}, based on the current inventory data.
The most expensive used car in UAE is AED {highest_car_price}, based on the current inventory data.
Based on the current inventory data by CarSwitch,
{first_highest_make} has {first_no_of_cars} used cars in UAE
{second_highest_make} has {second_no_of_cars} used cars in UAE
{third_highest_make} has {third_no_of_cars} used cars in UAE
{fourth_highest_make} has {fourth_no_of_cars} used cars in UAE
{fifth_highest_make} has {fifth_no_of_cars} used cars in UAE
The choice of the car varies from person to person based on various factors like the driving style, the daily usage, engine size, seat capacity and the transmission option.
In Sedans, {sedan_make_model} is considered the best cars by people in UAE, this is based on the number of inquiries received at CarSwitch.com
In SUV, {suv_make_model} is considered the best cars by people in UAE, this is based on the number of inquiries received at CarSwitch.com
In Hatchback, {hatchback_make_model} is considered the best cars by people in UAE, this is based on the number of inquiries received at CarSwitch.com

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Buy direct from private sellers. Cars certified by our inspectors.

Make kia Models Popular models City Price (AED) Body type Year Seats
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