used cars in Abu dhabi If you plan on buying a second-hand car, reliability is the most important factor to look out for. Sometimes, used cars don’t have any... Mercedes used cars in Abu Dhabi and Dubai are already a top favorite! Now the 2020 Mercedes AMG A35 sedan has been unveiled and we’re in... Drivers who are concerned about their well-being and that of other drivers on the road often refrain from browsing their phones and texting. However,... Pedestrians and drivers of used car in Abu Dhabi, safety always comes first! This year, Abu Dhabi will install new smart radars which will... Abu Dhabi Police is strongly advising motorists to be careful while driving their used car in Abu Dhabi for the next few days due... The next time you are driving around Abu Dhabi, UAE, you will need to be extra careful! The traffic authorities in Abu Dhabi have...