sell any car in Dubai 18-wheelers are massive. To be exact, some trucks can weigh up to 80,000 pounds. In comparison, an average passenger car is around 4,000 pounds.... The new Across has been revealed and since the model is a joint venture between Toyota and Suzuki, we are not surprised that it... Lamborghini has introduced the optional Pearl Capsule design package for the 2021 Lamborghini Urus. The company says the Pearl Capsule is the start of... Range Rover is fifty years strong now and since this is no ordinary company, the automaker has decided to celebrate its golden jubilee with... Thanks to the advancements in technology, breaking into a car with an unauthorized key is much harder now than it was in earlier times.... Your car’s oxygen sensor is an electronic device that measures the proportional amount of oxygen in gas or liquid. It sends data to the...